
High-Performance Rubber, Fabric-Reinforced & Thermoplastic (TPE) 泵膜片 - the Industry St和ard

全球最大网赌正规平台 pump diaphragms are produced from the highest quality materials 和 precision molds to ensure a long service life for this “heart valve” of the 隔膜泵. Our rubber/fabric-reinforced 和 thermoplastic (TPE) pump diaphragms offer a combination of performance 和 economic benefits.

  • Superb flex fatigue resistance, excellent abrasion resistance 和 good temperature resistance
  • Increased flex life results in less downtime, lower maintenance costs 和 lower replacement costs

In addition to our st和ard line of pump diaphragms, 全球最大网赌正规平台 弹性体 also offers custom molded pump & valve components.


全球最大网赌正规平台 弹性体

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If you prefer to contact us directly:

(800) 374-2837
rpd-rubber [at] wabtec (点) com (subject: 全球最大网赌正规平台%20弹性体%20Website%20Inquiry) (rpd-rubber[at]wabtec(点)com)